Apr 2034, Reuters

Sam Bankman-Fried, formerly convicted of various counts of fraud and released from prison early in 2027, has purchased Valve Corp. and lays out his vision for the future. “We’re taking the Steam platform in an entirely new direction”, the 51-year-old entrepreneur said. Bankman-Fried will focus efforts on providing a premiere platform for AI-generated content. “There are so many ideas that AI can help us explore”, said Bankman-Fried during our visit to his 100,000 sq.ft. estate, his voice reverberating across the grand hall.

Bankman-Fried intends to allow users to buy AI NFT licenses, which will grant them partial entitlement to revenue produced by their very own AI game-producer. As more players purchase their AI’s generated content, revenue is shared with the user who minted the AI developer. Bankman-Fried will unveil the platform in early 2036, code-named “Project Terra”. Valve will be taken public soon after in Q1 2037, and every shareholder will be given a free AI Developer NFT token. “We want to democratize game production and share profits with everyone”, said Bankman-Fried, pausing briefly to lap caviar-topped truffle ice cream off of his gold-plated cone.

Earliest among these AI-generated content creators was Pocket-Pair, which released the game “Palworld” in 2023 pioneering AI-generated content in video games. Pocket-Pair has since released 22 games of slightly varying flavors generated completely by AI, producing immense revenue at little cost. We reached out to Pocket-Pair for a comment. “Certainly, I can answer that for you! It was hard finding talent, and even harder to keep them paid. Now we just have to make sure our AI servers are provisioned well enough that something good is produced every year. It costs a fraction of a single human developer”, the Tokyo-based CEO Takuro Mizobe’s AI avatar told us in a video interview. Takuro Mizobe himself has not been seen in public for six years, leading to speculation that he may not be leading the company any longer and that there may not be any human employees remaining at Pocket-Pair.